Udenlandske speaks

NOKNA - Udenlandske Speak

Greg Pålborg1998Afspil her
Hovedspeak 201 nokna 17 2010
Dwayn B (New Jersey)??Afspil her
Maynard (Helsingør) nokna ?Afspil her
Julie D (San Fransisco) nokna 20 2013Afspil her
Lisa (Manchester)NOKNA 262022Afspil her
Anders (Sverige)NOKNA 262022Afspil her
Peter B (New Westminster BC - Canada)NOKNA 272023Afspil her

SOKNA - Udenlandske Speak

Simon( England)Sokna. 12009 Afspil her
Hovedspeak-Lance USASokna. 32011 Afspil her
Brenda BSokna. 92017Afspil her
John ASokna 9 2017Afspil her
Laura( USA) Sokna 10 2017Afspil her
Daniel C(Arizona )Sokna 11 2019Afspil her
Jolene-W( Arizona )Sokna 12 2020Afspil her
Bobby C(Arizona )

Sokna 132021Afspil her
Kathryn (CANADA)SOKNA 142022Afspil her
JOEL (Arizona)SOKNA XV2023Afspil her

KOKNA - Udenlandske Speak

Lydia og MatthewKokna 282024Afspil her
MichelleKokna 252018Afspil her
Bruce (USA)kokna 24 2017 Afspil her
Gary A (England)kokna 232016Afspil her
Samantha (Californien) kokna 22 2015Afspil her
Olgakokna 21 2014Afspil her
Dawn Kaye kokna 19 2012Afspil her
Toni D kokna 16 2009Afspil her
Khaliskokna 102003Afspil her
Melissa kokna 9 2002Afspil her
Scott kokna 11 2004Afspil her
Vitokokna8 2001Afspil her


Pepe A?1988Afspil her
Becky Floyd (traditions )wcna 221992Afspil her
Kim M og Oumar P -step og tradition 1 og 2??Afspil her
Greg P (na-symbol workshop )?1996Afspil her
Tina T?4/4-1997Afspil her
Kathy H?26/10-1998Afspil her
Ousmana( pearl of recovery)?2007Afspil her
Chocolate M Amesha W & Readus E gay & lesbian??Afspil her
Jim P( saturday night guest speaker)??Afspil her
Ron H & Lerry P
( step 10 og 11 )
??Afspil her
(Welcome to Na USA?
??Afspil her
Erik G( how and why)? 21/3-2011Afspil her
Marty E myrtle-beach?Afspil her
Mustafa G S,R,C(part 1)na 18 ?Afspil her
Mustafa G S,R,C (part 2) na 18 ?Afspil her
Tim B( tradition part 1 )??Afspil her
Tim B ( traditions part 2 )??Afspil her
Farrakahn G banquet ?Afspil her
Anthony R & Amin R (Dr Jeckyl & mr hyde )??Afspil her
Bryan K
( This too shall pass)
??Afspil her
Gary M Ousame D
Step 12 and
12 Tradition
??Afspil her
Modesto Faith WCNA24?Afspil her
Anthony??Afspil her
Fran O ??Afspil her
Gina B brewster NyAfspil her
Ari D og Derren S
h&i onedisease many aspects
??Afspil her
Easy men`s rapAfspil her
Sherman R & David G self acceptanceAfspil her
Sharon G & Milton M (suffering is optionel )Afspil her
Jammie C & Walter A staing clean is our first priority

Afspil her
Roz & Rick V filling the voidAfspil her
Lonnie Mc & Joy P lookingfor my assetsAfspil her
Deborah F & Paulette Mc womens rapAfspil her
Darice B womens rapAfspil her
Workshop esbjerg konvent Simon EnglandAfspil her
John K & Natalie R step & traditionsAfspil her
Tony M Victorville CaAfspil her
Pi Simon (UK )Afspil her
Rodney W lynn T denialAfspil her
Vicki C & Levon T the giftAfspil her
Nathaniel L spirituel speakerAfspil her
Poul( UK )A simple pogramAfspil her
Yvette R & Paul G inside jobAfspil her
FRAN O HawaiAfspil her
Lisa A & Donald S instant gratification

Afspil her
ChasThisted Unity mini Camp2022Afspil her
Simon - EnglandService konference Randers2022Afspil her

Viborg online - Udenlandske Speak

Miss B. St Louis. USA 31-10-21Afspil her
Lulu. Florida. USA 7-11-21Afspil her
Rick. USA14-11-21Afspil her
Herry. USA. 28-11-21Afspil her